There’s just something about dolphins, isn’t there?
If you have ever looked into the eye of any marine mammal, you know what I mean when I say its feels like a special moment. Do I even need to write about dolphins? These images of them are inspiring enough.
I’ve had a fascination with dolphins for a long time. For a long time swimming with wild dolphins was just a fantasy. But these days I can admit that I’ve been fortunate enough to be in and on the water with dolphins on several occasions.
At different parts of my life I had different interactions with dolphins. I learned about them and touched one once when visiting the aquarium and Sea World as a child, then later viewed them up close at a rehabilitation centre for marine life.
It was enchanting whether they just swam past quickly, just passing and or riding the bow wake of a boat. Until moving to New Zealand however I had never really interacted with a dolphin.

However, the amount of time I spend on or near the ocean has increased tenfold since I moved here.
I have been privileged to observe feeding behavior from the rocks and been lucky enough to be around for a special show of impromptu aerobatics more than once.

I have had the pleasure of boating, paddling, diving and and snorkeling with them on various occasions.

I love dolphins, I mean, who doesn’t? I would also love to learn more about them actually, not just about dolphins but about all of the underwater world. And that’s why I am teaching about it, reading about it, playing in it, and being an advocate for it.

Have you heard that we are amidst earth’s sixth extinction event? Its frightening, so I try and focus my attention on the creatures that are alive and in need of us to wake up and stop trashing the planet so I’ve taken up this personal mission to inspire others to care more about the environment

Just two weeks ago I officially started my masters research as a postgrad at The University of Auckland.

It was my dream for a while to become a ‘marine biologist’ and now I’m actually on my way to becoming one.

Stay tuned for more information on my research as it gets fully underway; this post was all about the dolphins. In the meantime, think about your favourite ocean animal…. do you know how much its impacted by humans? The knowledge I have about human impact on the environment has increased my awareness of my impact as an individual, and changed my life for the better.
Glad I met these dolphins.